Volume 36,Issue 6,2012 Table of Contents

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  Abstract(1472)  View PDF(2065)


Sediment distribution and deposition rate in the Xiamen Bay and adjoining waters
  刘治帅,杨 旸,陈 坚,王爱军,李东义,汪亚平
  Abstract(2243)  View PDF(3049)
Solexa sequencing and analysis of the intestinal microorganisms metagenome in Litopenaeus vannamei
  严雪平,袁剑波,刘 斌
  Abstract(2165)  View PDF(4022)
Phylogenetic relationships and population structure of Pampus in the South China Sea inferred from COI gene segments
  孙 鹏,尹 飞,施兆鸿,彭士明
  Abstract(2154)  View PDF(2332)
Determination of fatty acids in algae Chlorella by gas chromatography
  Abstract(2252)  View PDF(2926)
Isolation and identification of secondary metabolites produced by a deep-sea Bacillus sp. E401B03
  Abstract(1829)  View PDF(2382)
Studies on the biodiversity of methanogens from hydrothermal vent chimney
  王淑芳,陈 月,钱媛媛
  Abstract(2050)  View PDF(2538)
Identification of a marine actinomyce YH91 and its antimicrobial activity
  王 皓,刘 秋,孙建龙,闫建芳,赵柏霞,刘志恒
  Abstract(1863)  View PDF(2479)
The fishing structure of the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea
  孙中之,周 军,赵振良,许玉甫,高文斌,庄 申,陈 孛,王 俊,阎 伟,王成华,孟维东
  Abstract(2009)  View PDF(3043)
Comparison of embryonic development and growth of hybrids and backcrosses from Paralichthys olivaceus and Paralichthys dentatus
  隋 娟,徐世宏,王文琪,马道远,肖志忠,肖永双,刘清华,李 军
  Abstract(2132)  View PDF(2347)
The effects of degrees of deacetylation, molecular weights and states of chitosans on procoagulant activities in vitro
  Abstract(1733)  View PDF(2563)
Embryonic and larval morphological development of Paralichthys dentatus
  Abstract(1790)  View PDF(2222)
Quantitative and operational algorithm for retrieving sea surface temperature from HJ-1B data——with Northern Sea of China as example
  王 祥,赵冬至,杨建洪,赵 玲
  Abstract(1997)  View PDF(2335)
Studies on digestive enzymes of Haliotis asinina
  王林桂,王小兵,黄 勃
  Abstract(1680)  View PDF(2288)
Spectrum Study of Te(IV) stress on the growth of Spirulina maxima
  杨 芳,涂 芳,刘 杰,郑文杰
  Abstract(1663)  View PDF(2221)
Genetic diversity analysis of four Zhejiang coastal Porphyra haitanensis strains with ISSR marker
  江灵芝,孙 雪,杨 锐,骆其君
  Abstract(1778)  View PDF(2281)
Spatial-temporal variation analysis of sea wave field in the Pacific Ocean
  李 靖,周 林,郑崇伟,韩晓伟,陈晓斌
  Abstract(2075)  View PDF(3409)
Wave energy analysis of the South China Sea and the North Indian Ocean in recent 45 years
  郑崇伟,李训强,潘 静
  Abstract(2149)  View PDF(2554)
Characteristics of tidal prism of the Lingdingyang Bay
  Abstract(1868)  View PDF(2873)


Research process of microbial community in deep-sea hydrothermal vents
  Abstract(2046)  View PDF(2936)
Progress of extraction of the carrageenan and agar
  汪春牛,时 杰,葛思思,刘洋洋,刘平怀
  Abstract(1764)  View PDF(3292)


《中国海洋湖沼学报》(英文版, SCI-E 收录) Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 2012 年第3 期论文导读
  Abstract(1432)  View PDF(1548)
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