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赵纤纤1, 徐浩2, 荆辉3, 谢宝华4, 张晓龙3, 韩广轩4, 张桂萍5
关键词:  互花米草  专利  监测  防治  资源化利用
基金项目:山东省自然科学基金项目(ZR2021MC164) 、国家林业和草原局应急揭榜挂帅项目(202302)、国家自然科学基金项目( U1906223)
Research Progress Analysis of Spartina alterniflora Based on Patentometrics
zhaoqianqian1, Xu hao2, Jing Hui3, Xie Baohua4, Zhang Xiaolong3, Han Guangxuan4, Zhang Guiping5
1.Liaocheng University;2.Qingdao Marine Management Support Center;3.School of Environment and Materials Engineering, Yantai University;4.Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences;5.Shandong Xinhui Construction Group Limited Company
The invasive species Spartina alterniflora has caused severe damage to the ecosystems of coastal beaches, but it also contains salt tolerance genes, biomass energy, and other potentially valuable organic wealth. To provide technical support for the prevention, control, and management of S. alterniflora, this study analyzes domestic and international S. alterniflora patents. Associated S. alterniflora patents primarily include monitoring, controlling, and resource utilization technology. Domestic S. alterniflora patent applications exhibited an increasing trend from 1995 to 2022, with a total of 360 patent applications. The proportion of S. alterniflora monitoring, controlling, and resource utilization technology patents was 4%, 22%, and 74%, respectively. Monitoring technology predominantly uses remote sensing approaches to monitor S. alterniflora. Controlling technology patents for S. alterniflora include physical, chemical, biological alternatives, and integrated control technologies. Integrated control technologies had the highest number of patent applications and authorizations. Although many patent applications were submitted for S. alterniflora resource utilization technology, the actual proportion of granted patents is relatively low. This phenomenon indicates that the potential value of S. alterniflora as a resource is being increasingly recognized and developed, but its utilization value remains low. Limited attention has been paid to S. alterniflora abroad, with only seven patents found that were predominantly for resource utilization technology, including the United States and South Korea, with patent authorization rates of 25.0% and 33.3%, respectively. The study recommends that future strategies for the control and management of S. alterniflora should focus on research and development of utilization technologies, promote the commercialization of technological achievements, deepen the improvement of primary technologies to align with national policies and key research and development project goals, enhance its application value and market prospects and transform S. alterniflora from a “harmful” grass to a “beneficial” grass.
Key words:  Spartina alternation  patent  monitoring  controlling  resource utilization
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Supervised by: Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)   Sponsored by: Institute of Oceanology, CAS
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