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王世明1, 申 玉1, 田 卡1, 吕 超1, 白连平2
1.上海海洋大学 工程学院;2.北京信息科技大学 自动化学院
通过CFD计算软件Fluent对叶片进行水动力仿真分析, 由叶片压力曲线分析影响翼型效率的主要因素, 对比分析选出S翼型, 并由此翼型设计了对称S翼型, 进行UG建模并通过接口导入Fluent进行叶轮仿真分析, 由N-S控制方程及压力云图确定叶片数量。建立Bladed模型, 仿真得到不同叶片的叶轮在不同的流速下转矩的变化情况及不同桨距角尖速比与获能效率的关系曲线。最后在实验室有机玻璃导管测试系统得到对称S型叶轮在不同流速下的获能效率。实验结果表明, 对称S翼型具有捕获双向来流的能力, 在实验流速为2.2 m/s时最大获能效率可达40%。为海流自供电浮标进行了正确选型, 提高了效率, 所得数据也为之后海试试验提供了理论参考。
关键词:  水动力仿真分析  Bladed 模型  获能效率  测试系统
基金项目:国家海洋局2013 年海洋可再生能源专项资助项目(SHME2013JS01)
Simulation analysis of two-way axial flow impeller of selfpowered buoy
WANG Shi-ming,SHEN Yu,TIAN Ka,LÜ Chao,BAI Lian-ping
The hydrodynamic simulation of blades is carried out by CFD software Fluent software. The main factors that affect airfoil efficiency are analyzed by pressure curve of blades, the symmetrical S airfoil is selected by contrastive analysis. The symmetrical S airfoil is designed by this airfoil, UG modeling is carried out, and the simulation analysis of impeller impeller is carried out by introducing Fluent through the interface, and the N-S control equation and pressure cloud diagram to determine the symmetrical vane flow rate of blades. The experimental results show that the symmetrical S airfoil has the ability to capture bidirectional flow, and the maximum energy efficiency can be up to 40% when the experimental flow velocity is 2.2 m/s. The correct selection of the sea current self-powered buoy improves the efficiency and the obtained data also provides a theoretical reference for the subsequent sea trial test.
Key words:  hydrodynamic simulation analysis  Bladed model  energy efficiency  test system
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Supervised by: Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)   Sponsored by: Institute of Oceanology, CAS
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