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青蟹池塘生态育苗试验 |
金中文1, 王扬才1, 吴仲宁2, 戴海平2, 蔡志立3
摘要: |
2011年和2012年期间, 在浙江省宁波象山港区域, 利用两口池塘开展拟穴青蟹(Scyllapar amamosain)池塘生态育苗试验, 自然条件下累计培育出青蟹苗(稚蟹Ⅰ至Ⅱ期)34.1×104只, 幼体成活率最高为3.19%, 单位水体育苗产量最高383.0 只/m2, 从蚤状幼体孵出至蟹苗销售的时间需要33~34 d,幼体生长呈曲线方程: y=0.14e0.497x。育苗池塘水质理化因子相对稳定, 鉴定出浮游植物20种, 大型浮游动物种类11种, 原生动物12种, 浮游植物群落以硅藻、小球藻和扁藻为优势, 藻类细胞密度(1760.2×104±5119.4×104)个/L, 浮游动物群落以桡足类和轮虫生物量最大, 大型浮游动物密度(646.28±899.17) 个/L, 池塘饵料生物丰富, 幼体可以获得更全面和优质的饵料营养。盐度过低和固着类纤毛虫、尖额真猛水蚤的危害, 是影响青蟹幼体成活率的主要原因。 |
关键词: 青蟹(Scyllapar amamosain) 池塘 育苗 试验 |
DOI:10.11759/hykx20121024003 |
分类号: |
基金项目:宁波市重大科技攻关项目(2012C10023) |
Ecological seedling of Scylla paramamosai in ponds |
Abstract: |
Ecological seedling of Scylla paramamosai was carried out in two mulch ponds in XiangShanGang area of Ningbo in Zhejiang province, in 2011 and 2012. The total individuals of juvenile crab were 34.1×104 ind cultivated in the natural condition, with the highest survival rate of 3.19% and the highest yield of 383.0 ind/m2, during the period of 33~34 d. The larvae growth curve equation is: y=0.14e0.497x. The physical and chemical factors were relatively stable in these two ponds. A total of 20 phytoplankton taxa, 11 zooplankton and 12 protozoa species were identified. The dominant species were taxa in diatom and green algae in phytoplankton,with abundance of (1760.2±5119.4×104) cells/L, and copepoda and rotifer in zooplankton, with abundance of (646.28±899.17) ind/L. The biological foods were rich in the ponds, and larvae could get a more comprehensive and high quality feeding nutrition. Low salinity, sessile ciliate and euterpe acutifrons are the main factors affecting the survival rate of larvae Scylla paramamosai. |
Key words: Euterpe acutifrons pond seedling experiment |