
Total  1241 Records  Total  63 Pages  No.1   First Page Last Page Jump To Page
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qiaozhen,lijialin,qinsong Regulatory effects of the C6-HSL signal molecule and quorum quenching on marine Synechococcus in bacteria-algal system 2025-02-12
Zhang Shuangli,Wang Hongxia,Liu Baozhong Analysis of energy metabolism changes in the clam Meretrix petechialis after spawning 2025-01-16
Gao Yuqian,Xia Sudong,Gao Yan,Gao Li,Li Maozhe,Jiang Zehao,Xue Dongxiu Histological observation on gonadal sex differentiation in Trachidermus fasciatus 2025-01-16
Zhang Yue,Xu Yong,Wang Jinbao,Sui Jixing,Gong Lin,Yu Guoxu,Li Xinzheng Seasonal changes of macrozoobenthos community in intertidal zone of Miaodao Archipelago 2025-01-16
ZHENG Tian-hao,YUAN Hua-mao,SONG Jin-ming,HE Zhi-peng,DUAN Li-qin,LI Xue-gang Indication of amino sugars for sources and degradation of sedimentary organic matter in the Eastern China marginal Sea 2025-01-16
Zhang Chang-le,Wang Yong-zhi,Du Jun,Tian Zi-wen Study on the beach erosion characteristics and its changes in Haiyang, Shandong Province 2024-11-05
LAI Qixiang,Zhou Weifeng Analysis of Interannual Changes in Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies in the Main Operating Areas of Pelagic Fishery Over the Past 40 Years 2024-10-25
zhangziyang,chengyongxu,lifenghui,chensiqing,changqing,chenying,xurongjing,penglicheng,wudan,bianli Effect of salinity on survival, antioxidant enzymes and tissue structure of Thamnaconus septentrionalis 2024-03-14
Liu Feng,WU Le Le,Wang Yu Nong,Qi Ting,Xu Shi Hong,Li Jun,Li Xian The research on structure of retina and spectrum adaptation of juvenile turbot 2024-02-28
tangziqi,songminjie,wangxin,kongfanzhou,genghuixia,yantian Relationship between green tide distribution and plankton community in the South Yellow Sea in 2022 2024-02-26
deng Yaocheng,Ruijian Gou,Xiaopei Lin,Yu Huaming The Dependence of Southern Ocean Meridional Overturning Circulation on Topography. 2023-10-07
LI Xiao-ya,Liu Juan,Zheng Shan,Liang Jun-hua,Zhu Ming-liang,LI Qing-jie,Sun Xiao-xia Fugitive characteristics of microplastics in different coastal industrial wastewater sources 2023-07-27
GAO Wen-jing,QU Bao-xiao,YUAN Hua-mao,SONG Jin-ming Study on the Effect of Offshore Ocean Acidification on the Biogeochemical Properties of Trace Elements at the Sediment-Seawater Interface 2023-07-26
Zou Yinqiao,Chen Guangquan,Yu Hongjun,Song Fan,Wang Yancheng,Zhao Wenqing Review on microplastics transport mechanism and environmental effects in coastal aquifers 2023-07-10
WANG Xue-qin,TENG Li-chao,YU Hua-hua,XING Rong-e,LI Peng-cheng Optimization of Monkfish Active Peptide Using Response Surface Methodology 2023-03-27
LIU Wei,ZHANG Xing-shuo,XU Hai-gen,YANG Bo,CAO Ming-chang,XIONG Tian-shi,HAN Yong-xiang,YUAN Ping,YI Jian-feng,ZHOU Da-qing Analysis of bird diversity in Jiangsu offshore waters and its relationship with windfarms and mariculture 2023-03-02
Chen Qiaojun,Li Delei,Feng Jianlong Review of marine heatwave research based on CiteSpace 2023-03-02
Chen Yi,Liu Er-tian,Zhan Xin,Gu Zhi-Feng,Wang Ai-min Study on Non-lethal DNA Extraction Methods of Pteria penguin 2023-03-02
GONG Meng-xin Research Progress and Challenges of Bacteriophage in the Treatment of Bacterial Infections in Aquaculture 2023-01-03
YU Dao-de,LIU Kai-kai,ZHANG Shao-chun,QIU Zhao-xing Culture and breeding of Chlamys farreri in China: reviews and prospects 2022-12-06
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