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Volume 38,Issue 9,2014 Table of Contents

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  Published 9月 15日, 2014
  Abstract(1651)  View PDF(1569)
  Published 9月 15日, 2014
  Abstract(1419)  View PDF(1305)


The study on thermo tolerance of juvenile offspring Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka) with directive breeding
  赵 欢,刘石林,杨红生,赵鹤凌,林承刚
  Published 9月 15日, 2014
  Abstract(2463)  View PDF(2044)
Clone of dpp gene and its functions in larval shell formation of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas
  刘 刚,郇 聘,刘保忠
  Published 9月 15日, 2014
  Abstract(2194)  View PDF(2295)
The cryopreservation of spermatozoa of Epinephelus malabaricus
  王小刚,骆 剑,尹绍武,陈国华
  Published 9月 15日, 2014
  Abstract(2659)  View PDF(2393)
Application of chlorophyll fuorescent assay in detecting nutrient limitation of phytoplankton in the East China Sea
  Published 9月 15日, 2014
  Abstract(3385)  View PDF(2305)
Study on community structure and chemical constituents of fermentation broth in biofouling biofilms
  于 洋,王建华,方圣涛,姜作真,周晓群,夏传海
  Published 9月 15日, 2014
  Abstract(2875)  View PDF(2464)
Spatial-temporal distribution characteristics of chlorophyll a and the controlling factors in the Sishili Bay of Yantai
  沈春燕,施 平,赵 辉
  Published 9月 15日, 2014
  Abstract(2468)  View PDF(2719)
Seasonal variations in the morphology and growth of Zostera marina in Swan Lake, Shandong
  李 勇,李文涛,聂 猛,张秀梅
  Published 9月 15日, 2014
  Abstract(2060)  View PDF(2965)
Effects of temperature and salinity on the hatching of eyed eggs of Oncorhynchus mykiss
  菅玉霞,潘 雷,胡发文,高凤祥,张少春,王 雪,李 莉,郭 文
  Published 9月 15日, 2014
  Abstract(2702)  View PDF(2285)
Characteristics of sediment grain size distribution of mangrove communities at different successional stages along the Coast of Guangxi
  邢永泽,周浩郎,阎 冰,周如琼,吴 斌
  Published 9月 15日, 2014
  Abstract(2145)  View PDF(3177)
The community structure and distribution pattern of intertidal macrobenthos in the intertidal zone of Yantai
  Published 9月 15日, 2014
  Abstract(3379)  View PDF(3137)
Study of factors leading to differentiation of C4 and C5 in submarine environment
  陈立雷,贺行良,刘昌岭,张培玉,张媛媛,李 凤
  Published 9月 15日, 2014
  Abstract(2022)  View PDF(2036)
Isolation and identification of secondary metabolites produced by a marine-derived Streptomyces sp. L211
  郭书举,苏 华,李宪璀,史大永,朱校斌
  Published 9月 15日, 2014
  Abstract(2099)  View PDF(2041)
Extracting rules based on neural network and its application in fisheries forecasting
  Published 9月 15日, 2014
  Abstract(2098)  View PDF(3340)
Artificial upwelling device test in the Qiandao Lake
  葛 晗,陈 鹰,陈家旺,黄豪彩
  Published 9月 15日, 2014
  Abstract(2116)  View PDF(2636)
The study of Jiangsu coastal land use/cover change based on series of remote sensing images in the last 30 years
  张晓祥,唐彦君,严长清,徐 盼,朱晨曦,戴煜暄
  Published 9月 15日, 2014
  Abstract(2129)  View PDF(2296)


Comaprison of four coupling models in simulation and forecast analysis of the East Asian monsoon system
  张维娟,杨 波,魏 皓
  Published 9月 15日, 2014
  Abstract(2691)  View PDF(2410)


Research development in estuarine saltwater intrusion
  黄洪城,匡翠萍,顾 杰,陈 维,冒小丹
  Published 9月 15日, 2014
  Abstract(1863)  View PDF(4626)
Control strategy for quality and safety of aquatic fingerlings
  程 波,马 兵,刘新中,郭云峰,宋 怿
  Published 9月 15日, 2014
  Abstract(2144)  View PDF(2569)
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