| Volume 38,Issue 9,2014 Table of Contents
本期目录 Reports | | | The study on thermo tolerance of juvenile offspring Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka) with directive breeding | | 赵 欢,刘石林,杨红生,赵鹤凌,林承刚 | | Published 9月 15日, 2014 | | 2014,38(9):1-6 | | Abstract(2463) View PDF(2044) | | | Clone of dpp gene and its functions in larval shell formation of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas | | 刘 刚,郇 聘,刘保忠 | | Published 9月 15日, 2014 | | 2014,38(9):7-12 | | Abstract(2194) View PDF(2295) | | | The cryopreservation of spermatozoa of Epinephelus malabaricus | | 王小刚,骆 剑,尹绍武,陈国华 | | Published 9月 15日, 2014 | | 2014,38(9):13-19 | | Abstract(2659) View PDF(2393) | | | Application of chlorophyll fuorescent assay in detecting nutrient limitation of phytoplankton in the East China Sea | | 沙相宇,齐红菊,王昭玉,谭丽菊,王江涛 | | Published 9月 15日, 2014 | | 2014,38(9):20-26 | | Abstract(3385) View PDF(2305) | | | Study on community structure and chemical constituents of fermentation broth in biofouling biofilms | | 于 洋,王建华,方圣涛,姜作真,周晓群,夏传海 | | Published 9月 15日, 2014 | | 2014,38(9):27-32 | | Abstract(2875) View PDF(2464) | | | Spatial-temporal distribution characteristics of chlorophyll a and the controlling factors in the Sishili Bay of Yantai | | 沈春燕,施 平,赵 辉 | | Published 9月 15日, 2014 | | 2014,38(9):33-38 | | Abstract(2468) View PDF(2719) | | | Seasonal variations in the morphology and growth of Zostera marina in Swan Lake, Shandong | | 李 勇,李文涛,聂 猛,张秀梅 | | Published 9月 15日, 2014 | | 2014,38(9):39-46 | | Abstract(2060) View PDF(2965) | | | Effects of temperature and salinity on the hatching of eyed eggs of Oncorhynchus mykiss | | 菅玉霞,潘 雷,胡发文,高凤祥,张少春,王 雪,李 莉,郭 文 | | Published 9月 15日, 2014 | | 2014,38(9):47-52 | | Abstract(2702) View PDF(2285) | | | Characteristics of sediment grain size distribution of mangrove communities at different successional stages along the Coast of Guangxi | | 邢永泽,周浩郎,阎 冰,周如琼,吴 斌 | | Published 9月 15日, 2014 | | 2014,38(9):53-58 | | Abstract(2145) View PDF(3177) | | | The community structure and distribution pattern of intertidal macrobenthos in the intertidal zone of Yantai | | 韩庆喜,袁泽轶,陈丙见,王玉珏,石雅君,刘东艳 | | Published 9月 15日, 2014 | | 2014,38(9):59-68 | | Abstract(3379) View PDF(3137) | | | Study of factors leading to differentiation of C4 and C5 in submarine environment | | 陈立雷,贺行良,刘昌岭,张培玉,张媛媛,李 凤 | | Published 9月 15日, 2014 | | 2014,38(9):69-74 | | Abstract(2022) View PDF(2036) | | | Isolation and identification of secondary metabolites produced by a marine-derived Streptomyces sp. L211 | | 郭书举,苏 华,李宪璀,史大永,朱校斌 | | Published 9月 15日, 2014 | | 2014,38(9):75-78 | | Abstract(2099) View PDF(2041) | | | Extracting rules based on neural network and its application in fisheries forecasting | | 袁红春,胡倩倩,沈晓倩,陈新军 | | Published 9月 15日, 2014 | | 2014,38(9):79-84 | | Abstract(2098) View PDF(3340) | | | Artificial upwelling device test in the Qiandao Lake | | 葛 晗,陈 鹰,陈家旺,黄豪彩 | | Published 9月 15日, 2014 | | 2014,38(9):85-89 | | Abstract(2116) View PDF(2636) | | | The study of Jiangsu coastal land use/cover change based on series of remote sensing images in the last 30 years | | 张晓祥,唐彦君,严长清,徐 盼,朱晨曦,戴煜暄 | | Published 9月 15日, 2014 | | 2014,38(9):90-95 | | Abstract(2129) View PDF(2296) | |
ARTICLE Reviews | | | Research development in estuarine saltwater intrusion | | 黄洪城,匡翠萍,顾 杰,陈 维,冒小丹 | | Published 9月 15日, 2014 | | 2014,38(9):109-115 | | Abstract(1863) View PDF(4626) | | | Control strategy for quality and safety of aquatic fingerlings | | 程 波,马 兵,刘新中,郭云峰,宋 怿 | | Published 9月 15日, 2014 | | 2014,38(9):116-120 | | Abstract(2144) View PDF(2569) | |