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车昊函, 邢磊, 蔺玉曌
中国海洋大学海洋地球科学学院, 山东 青岛 266100
目前常规海洋测绘手段主要包括电子海图、单波束、多波束、侧扫声呐等, 这些方法的单独使用会存在诸如数据样本稀疏、施工成本昂贵、难以获取确切深度等局限之处。基于超声波回声原理的科研鱼探仪广泛用于渔业资源调查与评估中, 是渔业领域的主要统计手段, 具有数据体量大、来源丰富、采集成本低的特点。超声回波数据在刻画鱼群数量、方位的同时, 携带有海底地形与海水温盐结构信息, 可以作为常规海洋测绘方法的补充。特别是数据解编后得到的高精度水体数据, 可以用于海洋地球物理等研究, 故针对科研鱼探仪数据的解编工作亟待进行。本文针对科研鱼探仪(SIMRAD EK80)的采集数据进行解编处理, 并基于对道头信息的分析, 实现对数据文件的重新分类, 提取与海洋地球物理领域相关的位置、样点能量值等数据信息进行分析研究, 旨在丰富海洋地球物理研究数据来源, 为常规海洋探测工作提供借鉴, 提升数据利用效能。
关键词:  科研鱼探仪  数据解编  地球物理应用
Decoding and geophysical applications based on scientific fish finder data
CHE Hao-han, XING Lei, LIN Yu-zhao
College of Marine Geosciences, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, China
At present, conventional marine surveying methods mainly include electronic charts, single- and multi-beam systems, and side-scan sonars. The individual use of these methods has limitations, such as sparse data samples, high construction costs, and difficulty in obtaining accurate depths. Scientific fish finders that are based on the ultrasound echo principle are widely used as a statistical tool in fisheries resource investigation and assessment. They are characterized by large data volume, abundant sources, and low collection costs. In addition to characterizing the quantity and the orientation of fish schools, the ultrasound echo data also carry information about the seabed topography, seawater temperature, and salinity structures, thereby complementing conventional marine surveying methods. The high-precision water body data obtained after decoding the echo data can particularly be used for marine geophysical research. Therefore, decoding of scientific fish finder data is urgently needed. This study focuses on the decoding process of data collected by the SIMRAD EK80 scientific fish finder. Based on the header information analysis, we achieve a data file reclassification and extract the data related to the positions, sample point energy values, and other information relevant to marine geophysics for analysis and research. Through this, we aim to enrich the data sources for marine geophysical research, provide references for conventional marine surveying work, and enhance the data utilization efficiency.
Key words:  scientific fish finder  data decoding  geophysical applications
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