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1.上海交通大学 海洋学院, 上海 200030;2.厦门大学近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室, 福建 厦门 361012
关键词:  海洋保护区网络  种群分化  遗传连通性  黄海  东海
Analysis and enlightenment of a multispecies case study on the genetic connectivity between the Yellow and the East Seas
ZHAO Feng1, WANG Zi-Han1, CAO Ling2,3, ZENG Cong1,2
1.School of Oceanography, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200030, China;2.State Key Laboratory of Marine Environment Science, Xiamen 361012, Fujian, China;3.College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361012, Fujian, China
The Yellow and the East Seas are important marginal seas in the Pacific Ocean that are characterized by high biodiversity and rich marine resources. However, these Seas are under the dual threat of climate change and human exploitation, thereby causing decreased marine biodiversity. Thus, these seas are in urgent need of protection, and the marine protected area network is effective in preventing or mitigating the negative impacts of the dual pressure on biodiversity. However, connectivity is an important parameter of protected area networks that is difficult to directly measure. Therefore, this study aimed to reveal whether protected areas in the Yellow and the East Seas form a network by examining published reports on genetic connectivity between the two seas. A total of 175 cases were obtained from 137 published reports, and >50% of the cases (65.71%) revealed that there was a significant genetic differentiation between the Yellow and the East Seas, indicating that the cross-sea populations have low genetic connectivity. Six factors, such as the Yangtze River runoff, spatial distance, habitat heterogeneity, life history (shorter larval duration), ocean currents, and evolutionary processes, hampered the genetic connectivity between the populations from the two seas, whereas ocean currents and life history (longer larval duration) promoted genetic connectivity. Furthermore, the analysis revealed that the genetic connectivity between Yellow Sea and East Sea populations was significantly negatively correlated with spatial distance but positively correlated with planktonic larval duration. These results suggest that separate networks of marine protected areas should be constructed in the Yellow and the East China Seas, and the dispersibility of the protected species and the spatial distance of the protected areas should also be considered during the network design. This study provides a theoretical basis for constructing a network of marine protected areas covering the Yellow and the East Seas, which will aid in the construction of marine protected area networks in other seas.
Key words:  marine protected area network  population differentiation  genetic connectivity  Yellow Sea  East Sea
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