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包群靖1, 毕芳玲1, 蔡春尔1,2, 李可俊1,2, 何培民1,2
1.上海海洋大学海洋生态与环境学院, 上海 201306;2.水域环境生态上海高校工程研究中心, 上海 201306
本文研究了3种抗生素联合处理黄海绿潮浒苔(Ulva prolifera)形态及共附生细菌多样性的影响。将浒苔放散的配子加入到含有3种广谱抗生素(青霉素G、硫酸新霉素、多黏菌素B)的培养液中进行培养, 与对照组相比, 发现浒苔幼苗生长速度缓慢, 且细胞变小, 藻体无法形成正常形态。进一步采用16S rDNA高通量测序分析抗生素处理藻体前后的共附生细菌多样性, 发现抗生素处理后浒苔共附生细菌丰富度和多样性降低, 其中Maribacter丰度降低。将藻体与形态发生化合物thallusin(Maribacter spp. 提取物)共培养, 发现thallusin可促进藻体形态恢复和生长, 推测抗生素可通过抑制Maribacter等细菌从而影响浒苔形态和生长, 这将为浒苔共附生细菌功能的深入研究奠定一定基础。
关键词:  浒苔  抗生素  细菌多样性  形态与生长
Effects of antibiotics on the morphology and associated bacterial diversity of Ulva prolifera
BAO Qun-jing1, BI Fang-ling1, CAI Chun-er1,2, LI Ke-jun1,2, HE Pei-min1,2
1.College of Marine Ecology and Environment, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China;2.Water Environment and Ecology Engineering Center of Higher Education, Shanghai 201306, China
This study focuses on the effects of three antibiotics on the morphology and symbiotic bacterial diversity of Ulva prolifera in the Yellow Sea. Gametes released from U. prolifera were added to the culture medium containing three broad-spectrum antibiotics (penicillin G, neomycin sulfate, and polymyxin B). Compared with the control treatment, U. prolifera seedling growth was slow, cells shrank, and algal bodies failed to undergo normal morphogenesis under antibiotic treatment. 16S rDNA sequencing was used to analyze the diversity of symbiotic bacteria before and after antibiotic treatment. It was found that the abundance and diversity of the symbiotic bacteria of U. prolifera and the abundance of Maribacter decreased after antibiotic treatment. Algae were cocultured with the morphogenic compound thallusin (Maribacter spp. extract). Thallusin was found to promote the morphological recovery and growth of the algae. Antibiotics are speculated to be capable of affecting the morphology and growth of U. prolifera by inhibiting Maribacter and other bacteria. This work will establish a foundation for the in-depth study of the function of the symbiotic bacteria of U. prolifera.
Key words:  Ulva prolifera  antibiotic  bacterial diversity  morphology and growth
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