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梁玉波, 王立俊, 杨 波, 张喜昌, 卞正和
关键词:  海湾扇贝,呼吸率,多态位点杂合度,饵料数量和质量,环境因子
LIANG Yu-Bo, WANG Li-Jun, YANG Bo, ZHANG Xi-Chang, BIAN Zheng-He
Institute of Marine Environmental Protection,State Oceanic Administration
The bay scallops (Argopecten irradians irradians) respiratory rate, diet quantity and quality, environmental conditions and multilocus heterozygosity (MLH) were determined in specimens from 4 cultivation rafts in the coast in Dalian (China). Choice of raft location in different cultivation sea was intended to provide an oceanic-terrestrial gradient of ecological conditions. The investigated rafts were respectively the near coastal one in Dalijia Bay, the far coastal one in Dalijia Bay, the near coastal ones in Lingshuiqiao and Qipanmo, and the time is on Aug.27, Sept.18, Oct.8, Nov.1, 1997 and Aug.25, Sept.15, Oct.8, Nov.3, 1998. Experiments were performed under natural conditions of food availability and temperature in laboratory to account for the variability in nutrient concentration and environmental conditions associated with the respiratory metabolism of the hanging culture. The results indicated that bay scallop' s respiratory rate was highest on August, low on September, lowest on October, little higher than the last month on December; and the rate was the highest in the near coastal raft in Dalijia Bay, the low in the far coastal raft in Dalijia Bay and Qipanmo, the lowest in Lingshuiqiao. The oxygen consumptions were positive relative to their weights, and the respiratory rates were negative to the population multilocus heterozygosity (MLH), relative to diet quantity and quality, relative to environmental factors. The tested bay scallops were introduced to China from USA, and there were no the remarkable genetic difference in these populations. But the respiratory and genetic differences among the populations were obvious due to the difference in the reared ecosystem. The say scallop' s respiratory metabolism level mainly depended on the food and environmental conditions, and in Lingshuiqiao is the lowest among the four populations because of the food and environmental conditions being the best.
Key words:  Argopecten irradians irriadians, Respiratory rate, Multilocus heterozygosity (MLH), Diet quantity and quality, Environmental factors
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Supervised by: China Association for Science and Technology   Sponsored by: Chinese Society for Oceanology and Limnology, Institute of Oceanology and Limnology, CAS.
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