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於维樱, 王 琳, 冯志纲
北极拥有其独特的地理位置和战略价值,同时也是全球变暖最关键的敏感区,世界各国针对北极地区制定了一系列政策计划,并开展了多年的北极海洋科学研究。基于Web of Science数据库收录的1998-2017年SCIE文章,采用文献计量与引文分析的方法与工具,分析了13784篇北极海洋科学研究的整体态势与热点前沿,结果表明:(1)全球北极海洋科学研究呈现出加快增长趋势,近5年的发文已经翻了一番,年均发文在689篇以上;(2)环北极八国是该领域研究的主要力量,美国遥遥领先其他国家,挪威、丹麦研究基底深厚但近年发展稍缓,英国、德国是主要的非北极研究国,瑞典、法国的论文质量均衡,中国、波兰、格陵兰和荷兰则是该领域的后起之秀;(3)俄罗斯科学院在本领域发文最多但文章质量良莠不齐,德国极地与海洋研究所、丹麦 格陵兰地质调查机构与挪威海洋研究所的第一作者与通讯作者研究占比高,哥本哈根大学、德国极地与海洋研究所、华盛顿大学在该领域科研影响力较大;(4)全球海洋科学研究主要涉及地质学、海洋学、环境生态学、自然地理学、地球化学与地球物理学以及气象学与大气科学等领域,研究热点包括北极气候变化与极端天气、冰川消融与海平面上升、北极生态系统特征机构、北极海洋酸化与污染防治等方面。随着“一带一路”、“冰上丝绸之路”和《中国的北极政策》白皮书的发布,建议我国针对本国情况制定综合性北极科研计划,并注重科研机构间跨部门、跨领域的研究合作,加强与环北极国家和“一带一路”国家的合作,加大科研投入并开展国际规模的科学考察活动。
关键词:  北极  海洋科学  战略计划  文献计量  发展态势  
Bibliometric Analysis and Development Trends of GlobalArctic Marine Scientific Research
yu wei ying, wang lin, feng zhigang
Institue of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
The Arctic has its unique location and strategic value, and is also the most sensitive area for global warming. The world has developed a series of policy and plans for the Arctic region, and has carried out many years of Arctic marine scientific research. Based on the 1998-2017 SCIE articles included in the Web of Science database, using the methods and tools of bibliometrics and citation analysis, the overall situation and hotspot frontiers of 13,784 Arctic marine scientific researches were analyzed. The results show that: (1) the global Arctic Ocean science research shows an accelerating growth trend. The publications in the past five years have doubled, with an average of 689 articles per year. (2) The eight countries around the Arctic are the main research forces in this field. The United States is far ahead of other countries, Norway and Denmark have deep research foundations but there development speed is slow in recent years. The UK and Germany are the major non-Arctic research countries. The research papers in Sweden and France have balanced quality. China, Poland, Greenland and Netherlands are the rising stars in this field. (3) The Russian Academy of Sciences has most articles in all institutions, but the quality of the article is intermingled. The Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, the Geological Survey of Danish Greenland and the Norwegian Institute of Oceanography have a high proportion of papers published as the first author or correspondent author; the University of Copenhagen, the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research and the University of Washington have higher scientific research influence in the field. (4) The global marine scientific research mainly involved in areas such as geology, oceanography, environmental sciences ecology, physical geography, geochemistry geophysics, and meteorology atmospheric sciences, research hotspots include Arctic climate change and extreme weather, glacial ablation and sea level rise, system characteristics of Arctic ecology, Arctic Ocean acidification and pollution prevention. Based on China"s strategic policy on the Arctic region, it is recommended that develop a comprehensive Arctic research plan for China"s own situation and pay attention to cross-departmental and interdisciplinary research cooperation among research institutions. We should strengthen cooperation with the Arctic countries and the “Belt and Road” countries, increase investment in scientific research on Arctic Ocean, and conduct scientific research activities on an international scale.
Key words:  Arcitic  marine science  strategic plans  bibliometric analysis  development trends
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