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李文涛, 徐追, 梁暖
中国海洋大学海水养殖教育部重点实验室, 山东 青岛 266003
红纤维虾形草(Phyllospadix iwatensis)通常生长在具有较强的海浪和海流的区域,在朝鲜半岛、日本列岛以及中国北方沿海的岩礁基质上均有分布。为探究不同残缺程度的虾形草植株用于移植的可行性,本研究对虾形草植株的根状茎进行了2种剪切处理:根状茎保留1.5 cm和全部切除,并再对每个做根状茎剪切处理的植株的叶分别做3种剪切处理:叶保留100%,75%和50%。将这些处理后的植株绑扎到小型三棱台礁体坡面上,并投放到山东荣成马山里海域具有岩礁底质的浅水区域。其后对这些虾形草植株的形态、生长速率和存活率进行逐月观察。结果发现,保留1.5 cm根状茎的所有3种叶处理的移植植株生长均较好,且移植10个月以后仍然保持着较高的存活率(分别为67%、71.85%和64.6%),而根状茎几乎全切的植株,3种叶处理的移植植株不仅形态和生长受到了抑制,其存活率也较低(分别为35.33%、32.17%和34.53%)。结果表明,根状茎完全缺失不仅影响其存活率,还对其生长产生了负面影响,而叶的适当缺损却没有产生显著差异。因此,在今后的移植过程中,应该尽量少对根状茎的损伤,以提高对移植植株的利用率,同时对于因无法避免的原因造成根状茎和叶损伤的植株,仍有用于移植修复的潜在价值和现实意义。
关键词:  红纤维虾形草  根茎  叶片  残缺  移植效果
Influence of incomplete Phyllospadix iwatensis rhizomes and leaves on the effectiveness of transplantation
LI Wentao, XU Zhui, LIANG Nuan
Ocean University of China, Fisheries College, Qingdao 266003, China
Surfgrass Phyllospadix iwatensis is endemic to the rocky coasts of the Korean Peninsula, Japan, and Northern China, where the waves and currents are generally strong. Similar to other seagrasses, surfgrass is also declining. To determine whether incomplete surfgrass shoots can be used during transplantation, all surfgrass transplants were divided into two treatment groups: rhizomes trimmed to 1.5 cm in length and rhizomes nearly completely cut off. The rhizome-trimmed plants were then divided into three subgroups, and the leaves in each subgroup were then trimmed with 100%, 75%, and 50% of the leaf length remaining, respectively. All treated surfgrass plants were fastened on the surface of triangular frustum reefs deployed in the shallow rocky area of Mashanli, Shandong, China. Post deployment, the morphology, growth, and survival of surfgrass transplants were monitored monthly. Results revealed that all plants with rhizomes of 1.5 cm in length grew well, and no differences in survival were observed among the tree leaf-treatment groups (with survival rates of 67%, 71.85%, and 64.6%, respectively). In transplants with nearly all rhizomes cut off, the growth was negatively affected, with decreased growth rate, reduced morphological sizes, and significantly lower survival rates (35.33%, 32.17%, and 34.53%, respectively). The results demonstrated that surfgrass transplants with rhizomes of a certain length (1.5 cm in this study) may develop well even if the leaves of surfgrass transplants are fragmented (to the extent of half the leaf length), whereas the growth and survival of surfgrass transplants may be significantly affected after cutting off the rhizomes of surfgrass. Therefore, in future transplants, damage to rhizomes should be minimized to improve the utilization of transplanted plants, whereas plants with rhizomes and leaf damage due to unavoidable causes still have potential value and relevance for use in transplant restoration.
Key words:  Phyllospadix iwatensis  rhizomes  leaves  incompleteness  effectiveness of transplantation
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Supervised by: Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)   Sponsored by: Institute of Oceanology, CAS
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