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关键词:  荣成  海带养殖区  营养盐  时空分布
Nutrients structure and temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of kelp aquaculture areas in Rongcheng
sunyanqing1, dingyuzhu1, liangguangjin2,3, liujia1, xuyingjiang1, lijiawei1, shiliang2,3, wangjing1, zhaonan2,3, xuejinglin1, handianfeng1
1.Shandong Marine Resource and Environment Research Institute;2.Provincial Key Laboratory of Genetic Improvement &3.Efficient Culture of Marine Algae of Shandong, Shandong Oriental Ocean Sci-Tech Co., Ltd.
During November 2022 to July 2023, a survey was conducted on the nutrient status of three kelp aquaculture areas in Rongcheng Bay, Ailian Bay and Sanggou Bay. The temporal and spatial distribution of nutrients concentration were analyzed and the pollution of DIN and PO4-P were evaluated by single factor contaminant index. And conduct research on the nutrient structure and potential eutrophication of seawater in aquaculture areas. The results showed that the overall nutritional level of seawater was low, and the water quality was good in the three kelp aquaculture areas. Only a few aquaculture areas in winter have water quality exceeding the Class II standard for seawater. During winter, two stations showed potential eutrophication, while the remaining stations were at the level of oligotrophication. The analysis of nutrient structure showed that there is a certain degree of relative phosphorus limitation in kelp aquaculture areas. The nutrient levels in kelp aquaculture areas have obvious seasonal variation characteristics, with DIN concentration levels being highest in winter, followed by autumn, and the lowest in spring and summer. The changes in PO4-P and SiO3-Si were basically consistent, with autumn, winter, spring, and summer in descending order. From the perspective of horizontal distribution, the nutrient levels in each aquaculture area were basically the same in autumn. In other seasons, the levels of nutrients had different, because of the different aquaculture structure and the degree of seawater exchange.
Key words:  Rongcheng  kelp aquaculture areas  nutrients  temporal and spatial distribution
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