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余思湉1, 李建都2,3, 赵祺1, 尤凯1, 张沛东1
生物量驱动要素研究:2021年秋季调查了黄渤海沿岸5处人工鱼礁区的浮游生物及相关环境要素,探究了人工鱼礁区浮游生物的群落特征与变化规律,明确了浮游生物的生物量、多样性与人工鱼礁区礁龄和礁体规模的关系。结果发现:共鉴定出浮游植物3门24属64种,浮游动物9大类41种;各人工鱼礁区浮游生物的优势种存在差异,但尖刺伪菱形藻(Pseudo—nitzschia pungens)和强壮箭虫(Sagitta crassa)为各礁区的共有优势种;长礁龄区对浮游生物的养护效果优于短礁龄区,其生物量增加指数(BII)最大值为7.17,是短礁龄区的10.86—30.47倍;长礁龄区浮游生物群落结构优于短礁龄区,其丰富度指数和多样性指数均值均为短礁龄区的1.1倍。Pearson相关性分析显示,BII和丰富度指数差值(DID)与礁龄和礁区规模呈现极显著正相关(P<0.01),其中BII与礁龄和礁区规模均呈现显著线性函数关系,拟合优度分别为0.91和0.71。结果表明,人工鱼礁建设对浮游生物生物量具有显著提升作用,且生物养护效果受礁区规模和礁龄等礁区特征要素的影响明显。
关键词:  人工鱼礁  浮游生物  群落结构  礁区特征要素  黄渤海
Study on the characteristics of plankton community structure and key factors influencing biological increments in five artificial reefs of the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea
Yu Sitian1, Li Jiandu2,3, Zhao Qi1, You Kai1, Zhang Peidong1
1.Ocean University of China;2.Liaoning Ocean and Fisheries Science Research Institute;3.Key Laboratory of Protection and Utilization of Aquatic Germplasm Resource, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs
Five cruises were conducted in October-November 2021 in five artificial reef areas demonstration and control areas in Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea coast. We explored the community characteristics and variation of plankton in artificial reef area, and analyzed the relationship between the Biological Increment Index (BII), diversity of plankton and the reef age, reef scale of artificial reef areas though investigating the plankton and environmental indicators. We identified 64 phytoplankton taxa belonging to 3 phyla and 24 genera, 41 zooplankton species including 9 major categories in samples collected from five demonstrations. The dominant species of plankton were different in each area, but Pseudo-nitzschia pungens and Sagitta crassa are the common dominant species in each artificial reef area. The conservation effect on plankton in the long-age reef area was better than that in the short-age reef area, and the maximum BII was 7.17, which was 10.86-30.47 times that of the short-age reef area. The plankton community structure in the long-age reef area was also better than that in the short-age reef area, and the average richness index and diversity index were 1.1 times that of the short-age reef area. Pearson correlation analysis showed that the difference between BII and Margelef index difference (DID) was positively correlated with reef age and reef volume (P<0.01). Among these, the BII showed a significant linear function relationship with reef age and reef volume, and the goodness-of-fit were 0.91 and 0.71, respectively. The results show that the construction of artificial reefs has a significant effect on the biomass and cell abundnt of plankton , and the biological conservation effect was significantly affected by reef volume, reef age and other characteristic elements.
Key words:  artificial reefs  plankton  community structure  reef features  Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea
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