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王金鹏1, 赵彬2, 姚鹏3
1.国家环境保护水环境模拟与污染控制重点实验室, 生态环境部华南环境科学研究所, 广东 广州, 510655;2.自然资源部第一海洋研究所, 山东 青岛, 266061;3.中国海洋大学海洋化学理论与工程技术教育部重点实验室, 山东 青岛, 266100
边缘海作为连接陆地和海洋的重要纽带, 是陆海沉积有机碳(SOC)的重要储库。对近海SOC分析的前处理方法开展研究将为准确评估我国海洋碳储量提供技术支撑。本研究以中国近海沉积物标准物质为研究对象, 通过条件实验, 研究了不同前处理方法, 如水洗法和熏蒸法, 对沉积物中无机碳(IC)去除和总有机碳(TOC)测定结果的影响。结果表明, 国内目前普遍采用的水洗法虽然在IC去除方面有优势, 但是该方法存在着理论计算基础有误、操作步骤多、费时费力, 本身易产生误差, 受不同操作人员的影响较大等不足。银囊熏蒸法在前处理前称量样品量少, 在盐酸酸雾中熏蒸一定时间后烘干即可进样分析, 操作相对简便。但是, 对于碳酸盐含量不同的沉积物样品, 熏蒸时间的长短可能会影响到IC的去除效率, 有必要针对碳酸盐含量不同的沉积物样品进行熏蒸时间优化。
关键词:  近海  沉积物  总有机碳  水洗法  熏蒸法
Comparative Study on Pretreatment Methods for Total-Organic-Carbon and Total-Nitrogen Analysis of Coastal Sediments
WANG Jinpeng1, ZHAO Bin2, YAO Peng3
1.State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Water Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, South China Institute of Environmental Sciences, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Guangzhou, 510655, China;2.Key Laboratory of Marine Eco-Environmental Science and Technology, First Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, Qingdao, 266061, China;3.The Key Laboratory of Marine Chemistry Theory and Technology, Ministry of Education, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, 266100, China
Marginal seas, crucial connections between land and ocean, serve as significant reservoirs for land-ocean sedimentary organic carbon (SOC). Studying pretreatment methods for analyzing SOC in coastal seas will offer technical support for accurately assessing China’s marine carbon storage. Herein, standard sediment samples from Chinese coastal areas were selected for analysis. Through conditional experiments, the effects of different pretreatment methods, such as rinsing and fumigation, on the removal of inorganic carbon (IC) and the determination of total organic carbon (TOC) in sediments were investigated. Results showed that although rinsing, a commonly used method in China, has advantages in IC removal, it has shortcomings, such as an incorrect theoretical calculation basis, multiple operational steps, time-consuming and labor-intensive procedures, inherent error generation, and significant operator influence. Meanwhile, silver capsule fumigation requires less sample weighing before pretreatment; moreover, after fumigation in hydrochloric acid vapor for a certain period, the involved samples can be dried and analyzed for TOC analysis, resulting in a relatively simple overall operation. However, for sediment samples with different carbonate contents, the duration of fumigation may affect the efficiency of IC removal, necessitating optimization of fumigation time for sediment samples with varying carbonate contents.
Key words:  coastal sea  sediment  total organic carbon  rinsing method  fumigation method
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