摘要: |
牡蛎为固着型贝类, 适宜于坚固稳定的生存环境, 其对外部环境的依赖性使牡蛎极易受到环境波动的影响, 高密度笼养或吊养等养殖方式均会造成牡蛎个体因海浪冲击受到长期的晃动或震荡胁迫, 一些海区牡蛎肥满度的快速变化常常发生在大型海浪前后, 推测可能与养殖模式造成的震荡胁迫有关。但游离生活状态的单体牡蛎受震荡胁迫的生理响应尚不清楚, 无法确认其肥满度快速变化的内在机制。本研究通过非靶向代谢组学方法研究了单体长牡蛎在模拟海浪震荡胁迫条件下的代谢活动差异。将单体牡蛎放入海浪震荡模拟装置中进行6 h的震荡冲击处理, 分别采集未受震荡个体、震荡后0、6和18 h个体的血清质谱数据, 共筛选出447种共同差异代谢物。通过对各组样品间差异代谢物进行KEGG代谢通路富集分析发现, 脂质代谢是受影响较大的生物学过程, 震荡应激主要影响了甘油磷脂代谢、鞘脂代谢、亚油酸代谢和花生四烯酸代谢等脂质代谢途径的变化。与甘油酯水解相关的产物发生显著变化, 可能进而导致一系列应激反应和病理生理过程, 研究结果可为阐明海上风浪对吊笼养殖牡蛎的影响以及解决牡蛎肥满度变化问题提供一定参考。 |
关键词: 长牡蛎 海浪胁迫 非靶向代谢组学 甘油磷脂 |
DOI:10.11759/hykx20240311002 |
分类号:S917.4 |
基金项目:国家重点研发计划(2022YFD2401203);泰山学者青年专家项目(tsqn202211250) |
Mechanical stress from waves affects lipid metabolism in clutchless oysters |
YU Haiyang1,2, MENG Jie1,3, XU Fei1,3
1.Key Laboratory of Breeding Biotechnology and Sustainable Aquaculture (CAS), Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao 266071, China;2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;3.Shandong Technology Innovation Center of Oyster Seed Industry
Abstract: |
Oysters are sessile bivalves that inhabit solid and stable substrata. Their dependence on the surrounding environment makes oysters highly susceptible to environmental fluctuations. However, the cage or hanging culture of clutchless oysters used by most farms may expose them to intense and acute mechanical stress caused by waves. The rapid change in oyster plumpness in certain areas followed large storm waves, which are presumed to be related to the shock stress induced by the culture mode. However, the physiological response of free-living oysters to wave-induced mechanical stress is not yet clear. The mechanisms underlying the rapid change in plumpness still need to be revealed. In this study, the metabolic activity dynamics of clutchless oysters under simulated wave stress were investigated by an untargeted metabolomics approach. Oysters were treated for 6 h in the simulation machine, and serum was obtained from the samples collected immediately, 6, and 18 h after treatment, together from individuals without treatment. A total of 447 differential metabolites were identified from all three treatment groups by analyzing the mass spectrometric data. KEGG metabolic pathway enrichment indicated that the stress mainly induced changes in the metabolites involved in the metabolism pathways of lipids such as glycerophospholipid, sphingolipid, linoleic acid, and arachidonic acid. The glycerol ester hydrolysis products changed markedly, suggesting the induction of a series of stress responses and pathophysiological processes after wave stress. The results provided a reference for elucidating the effects of storm waves on cultured clutchless oysters and laid a foundation for solving the industrial problem of rapid changes in oyster plumpness. |
Key words: Crassostrea gigas wave stress untargeted metabolomics glyceryl phosphatide |