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苏日昇1, 魏永亮1,2, 唐泽艳3, 袁新哲4
1.上海海洋大学海洋科学与生态环境学院, 上海 201306;2.上海河口海洋测绘工程技术研究中心, 上海 201306;3.自然资源部东海发展研究院, 上海 201306;4.国家卫星海洋应用中心, 北京 100081
热带西北太平洋的中尺度涡对海水的温盐结构及海洋渔业资源有显著影响。为了研究中尺度涡与环境流场变化之间的关联性问题, 利用1993-2021年卫星高度计数据, 基于流场几何特征方法识别与追踪热带西北太平洋的中尺度涡, 以北赤道流(North Equatorial Current, NEC)和北赤道逆流(North Equatorial Countercurrent, NECC)的流轴为界, 将研究区域(2°N~20°N)从北到南依次划为A、B和C三个区域, 对各区域中尺度涡要素的时空分布变化特征进行了分析。结果表明: 区域内的中尺度涡以≤28 d的短周期涡旋为主(占总数量的92.18%),半径在30~100 km、振幅在1~3 cm的中尺度涡分别占73.66%和75.56%, 中尺度涡平均半径与平均振幅的相关系数为0.65, 呈正相关。A区域的中尺度涡数量、生命周期、振幅和传播距离均高于B区域和C区域。B区域与C区域的反气旋涡生成超前于平均海洋尼诺指数四个月与一个月, 相关性达到极大值-0.35与-0.53, 并与NEC和NECC流场强度同期变化时有良好的相关性, A区域相关性不显著。由此可见, B、C区域中尺度涡数量、NEC、NECC和涡动动能年际变化受ENSO调制作用明显, 在El Niño期间, NEC、NECC均增强, 海表温度、海表面高度降低, 风应力做功和海水平均动能增加, 涡动动能通过吸收流场能量也得到加强, 而在La Niña期间的涡动能回归正常水平。因此, ENSO强烈影响热带西北太平洋上层的海水动力过程, 引起的中上层流场周期性变动, 是该区域中尺度涡年际变化主要原因之一。
关键词:  热带西北太平洋  中尺度涡  时空特征  ENSO  涡动动能
Study of mesoscale eddy features in the tropical Northwest Pacific Ocean
SU Risheng1, WEI Yongliang1,2, TANG Zeyan3, YUAN Xinzhe4
1.College of Oceanography and Ecological Science, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China;2.Engineering Research Center on Estuarine and Oceanographic Mapping, Shanghai Municipal Ocean Bureau, Shanghai 201306, China;3.East China Sea Institute for Development Research, Ministry of Natural Resources, Shanghai 201306;4.National Satellite Ocean Application Service, Beijing 100081, China
Mesoscale eddies in the tropical Northwest Pacific play a significant role in shaping the temperature-salinity structure of seawater and influencing marine fishery resources. To explore the relationship between mesoscale eddies and changes in the environmental flow field, satellite altimeter data from 1993 to 2021 were analyzed. A geometric feature-based method was used to identify and track mesoscale eddies in the region. The study area (2°N-20°N) was divided into three regions (A, B, and C) from north to south, with the axes of the North Equatorial Current (NEC) and North Equatorial Countercurrent (NECC) serving as dividing lines. The spatiotemporal distribution characteristics of mesoscale eddy features in each region were then examined. The results show that mesoscale eddies within the study area are predominantly short-period cyclonic vortices with a period of ≤28 days, making up 92.18% of the total eddy population. Eddies with radii ranging from 30 to 100 km and amplitudes between 1 and 3 cm account for 73.66% and 75.56%, respectively. The correlation coefficient between the mean radius and mean amplitude of mesoscale eddies is 0.65, indicating a significant positive correlation. Furthermore, the number, lifecycle, amplitude, and propagation distance of mesoscale eddies in region A surpass those in regions B and C. In regions B and C, the formation of anticyclonic eddies occurs approximately 4 months and 1 month ahead of the Oceanic Niño Index, respectively, with correlation coefficients of -0.35 and -0.53. A strong correlation is observed when the flow field intensities of the NEC and NECC change simultaneously. In contrast, no significant correlation is found in region A. These findings suggest that the interannual variability of mesoscale eddy abundance, NEC, NECC, and eddy kinetic energy in regions B and C is significantly influenced by the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). During El Niño events, both the NEC and NECC strengthen, leading to decreases in sea surface temperature and sea surface height, while wind stress and mean ocean kinetic energy increase. Eddy kinetic energy is further amplified through the absorption of energy from the flow field. In contrast, during La Niña events, eddy kinetic energy returns to baseline levels. As a result, ENSO exerts a substantial influence on upper ocean dynamics in the tropical Northwest Pacific, with the periodic fluctuations in upper oceanic flow fields serving as a major driver of interannual variability in mesoscale eddies in this region.
Key words:  tropical Northwest Pacific  mesoscale eddy  spatiotemporal characteristics  ENSO  eddy kinetic energy
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