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张祖平, 张月阳
上海海洋大学海洋生物资源与管理学院, 上海 201306
数字渔业在渔业可持续发展上发挥着越来越重要的作用, 已成为现代渔业发展的重要方向。本文基于文献计量对Web of Science核心数据库数字渔业相关文献进行梳理和分析, 结果如下: (1)近年来中外数字渔业研究呈蓬勃发展态势, 中国增速尤其明显, 年发文量已超过国外发文量总和, 并有进一步扩大差距的趋势; (2)中国研究作者团队相互间合作紧密, 已形成一定的体系和规模, 国外研究相对分散, 彼此间合作程度不高; (3)构建适用于不同用途的系统、模型是国内外数字渔业研究的普遍做法也是研究的热点, 中国研究偏向于水产养殖领域, 国外更关注于渔业管理。通过对比分析国内外研究现状和热点分布以及在研究方法、内容、技术上的异同点, 为中国数字渔业的发展提出合理建议。
关键词:  文献计量  CiteSpace  数字渔业  对比分析
Comparative analysis of the current status and hot topics of digital fisheries research in China and abroad based on bibliometrics
ZHANG Zuping, ZHANG Yueyang
College of Marine Living Resource Sciences and Management, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China
Digital fisheries are playing an increasingly important role in the sustainable development of fisheries and have become an important factor in the development of modern fisheries. This paper is based on a bibliometric analysis of the literature related to digital fisheries in the Web of Science core database. The results are as follows. (1) In recent years, research on digital fisheries at home and abroad has revealed a vigorous development trend, with China’s growth rate being particularly significant. The annual domestic publication volume has exceeded the total number of publications abroad, and there is a trend further widening the gap. (2) The research teams in China cooperate closely and have formed a certain system and scale. In contrast, international research is relatively scattered, and the degree of cooperation between researchers is not high. (3) Building systems and models suitable for different purposes is a common practice and hot topic in digital fisheries research domestically and internationally. Research in China tends to focus on aquaculture, while other countries tend to pay increased attention to fisheries management. By comparing and analyzing the current research status and hot topic distribution at home and abroad, as well as the similarities and differences in research methods, content, and technology, reasonable suggestions are thereby proposed for the development of digital fisheries in China.
Key words:  bibliometrics  CiteSpace  digital fishery  comparative analysis
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