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黄会1,2, 马元庆1, 刘京熙1, 桑亚楠3, 孙贵芹1, 付萍1, 王明磊1, 刘永春1, 刘小静1,2, 王玮云1
1.山东省海洋资源与环境研究院 山东省海洋生态修复重点实验室, 山东 烟台 264006;2.烟台市海珍品质量安全控制与精深加工重点实验室, 山东 烟台 264006;3.莱州市海洋发展和渔业服务中心, 山东 烟台 264006
随着除草剂扑草净在我国农业和水产养殖业的广泛应用, 近岸海洋环境也受到不同程度的污染。为探究其生态风险, 本文系统研究了扑草净对我国近海典型生物类群的急性效应, 基于现场调查分析其在近海典型海湾的分布规律, 基于物种敏感度分布法评价其生态风险。结果表明, 基于扑草净对我国海洋生物急性毒性数据, 采用物种敏感度分布法, 得到扑草净的5%物种危害浓度(HC5)为8.42 μg·L-1, 急性预测无效应浓度(PNEC)为4.21 μg·L-1。2020年3—10月, 山东省某海湾近岸表层海水中扑草净检出率100%, 检出范围为2.18~2.04×103 ng·L-1, 有明显的季节变化特征, 呈现从近岸到近海辐射状递减趋势; 采用商值法表征调查海域扑草净的生态风险, 其风险熵(RQ)范围为0.001~0.484, 除3月、5月的个别站位RQ大于0.1, 具有中风险,其余站位RQ均小于0.1,为低风险。本研究可为评价扑草净在我国近岸海洋环境中生态风险提供数据参考。
关键词:  扑草净  急性毒性  物种敏感度分布  生态风险评价
Ecological risk assessment of herbicide prometryn in a bay of Shandong Province based on species sensitivity distribution
HUANG Hui1,2, MA Yuanqing1, LIU Jingxi1, SANG Yanan3, SUN Guiqin1, FU Ping1, WANG Minglei1, LIU Yongchun1, LIU Xiaojing1,2, WANG Weiyun1
1.Shandong Marine Resource and Environment Research Institute, Shandong Key Laboratory of Marine Ecological Restoration, Yantai 264006, China;2.Yantai Key Laboratory of Quality and Safety Control and Deep Processing of Marine Food, Yantai 264006, China;3.Laizhou Provincial Department of Ocean and Fisheries Services Centre, Yantai 264006, China
With the extensive application of the herbicide prometryn in agriculture and aquaculture, coastal waters have been subjected to varying degrees of pollution. To perform the ecological risk assessment of prometryn, this study systematically examined the acute effects of prometryn on typical coastal biological groups in China, analyzed its distribution pattern in typical offshore bays based on field surveys, and evaluated its potential ecological risks using the species sensitivity distribution method. Based on the acute toxicity data of prometryn to marine organisms in China and the species sensitivity distribution method, the results of the study show that the hazardous concentration for 5% of the species and the predicted no-effect concentration of prometryn were 8.42 and 4.21 μg·L−1, respectively. From March to October 2020, the detection rate of prometryn in the surface seawater of a bay in Shandong Province was 100%, with the detection range being from 2.18 to 2.04×103 ng·L−1, which showed obvious seasonal variation characteristics and a radiative decline trend from the coast to offshore. The quotient method was used to express the ecological risk of prometryn in the investigated sea area, and its risk quotient (RQ) ranged from 0.001 to 0.484. Except for individual stations in March and May with an RQ of greater than > 0.1, which had moderate risk, the other stations with an RQ of less than 0.1 were considered low risk. We believe that this study can provide data reference for assessing the ecological risk of prometryn in the coastal marine environment of China.
Key words:  prometryn  acute toxicity  species sensitivity distribution  ecological risk assessment
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